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Diving Gems: Croatia Scuba-Diving Insights

Croatia’s Adriatic waters have over 110 registered diving sites, including sea walls clad in coral,...

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Croatia’s Adriatic waters have over 110 registered diving sites, including sea walls clad in coral, sea caves, and shipwrecks, from both antiquity and modern times. Here we visit four top dive locations for Croatia Scuba-Diving Insights.

Dubrovnik – Taranto ship wreck

“Taranto is one of my favorite dive sites. No matter how many times I go there, each new dive is exciting”

says Anto Vuković of Blue Planet Diving Center.

Medieval-walled Dubrovnik, is Croatia’s most famous city destination. We visited to gain some Croatia Scuba-Diving Insight and discovered great diving too. The Taranto was a 62-meter merchant ship used as a transporter by the Italians during WWII. In 1943, it sunk after hitting an underwater mine near the Grebeni islets (just 10 minutes from Blue Planet). “This dive site has it all – depth, wreck, cave, and wall. Its variety is most appealing, and the wreck itself is spectacular. It’s a challenging dive, so we only take very experienced divers, and I’ve never had a disappointed guest”, concludes Anto.

Hvar – Kampanel seawall and reef

“Deep turquoise water, abundant marine life, and dense stands of red gorgonian make it a spectacular experience,”

says Aqualis dive instructor, Robert Fegan
Kampanel diving off Vodnjak. Courtesy of Aqualis Dive Center
Kampanel diving off Vodnjak. Courtesy of Aqualis Dive Center

In Hvar Town, on the island of Hvar, we called Aqualis Dive Center to gain more Croatia Scuba-Diving Insights. Hvar has over 15 good dive locations, mainly around the Pakleni archipelago. The crown jewel is Kampanel (meaning “bell” in the local dialect), a seamount off the uninhabited islet of Vodnjak. It lies in deep water, facing the open sea, exposed to strong currents. As a result, you can expect to see schools of sardines and mackerel, plus scorpionfish, octopuses, and lobsters. “The highlights are the unusual profusion of red gorgonian coral below 35 meters and a narrow swim-through cave at about 30 meters”, adds Robert.

Kornati – Dome seawall

“In Kornati, the authorities have approved nine sites for tourist diving. We have a contract with the national park and visit them several times weekly. All these places are beautiful, and guests often compare the seawalls to tropical coral reefs”

Anna Nokela of Murter-based Najada Diving

Kornati National Park combines moonscape islets and the deep blue sea. It has a vibrant and unspoiled underwater world, but diving is limited as these waters are protected. We talked to Anna Nokela of Murter-based Najada Diving for more Croatia Scuba-Diving Insights. Anna said, “My favorite site is the Dome, an overhanging cliff opposite Piskera island. The semi-cave breaks off at a depth of 10 meters, and the ceiling is covered with sponges and corals. If you descend to 30 meters, the wall is densely covered with red and color-changing gorgonians. This dive site is suitable for both beginners and experienced divers”.

Lošinj – Katedrala sea cave

“Katedrala is quite distant, so we need to go for a full day”

explains Neno Starčić from Sub Sea Son on Lošinj.

Katedrala, off Premuda, south of Lošinj, is another top dive site. Katedrala (literally “cathedral” in Croatian) is an exceptionally beautiful complex of underwater caves and tunnels. Moreover, the sun’s rays pass through the porous ceiling of its cupola-shaped hall, giving it a divine appearance. “It’s an extraordinary trip, with an organized lunch in Premuda village on the island.” The dive starts from a buoy, down to the plateau at 10 meters, and then into one of the cave openings. For advanced divers, there are more tunnels and various openings down to deeper areas. Here we conclude our Croatia Scuba-Diving Insights.

So on your next Croatia, Luxury Yacht Charter Vacation, enjoy diving at one of Croatia’s Dive Sites.

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