Your Crew
Panos Stavrakidis Head Captain
Crew Profile
Captain: Panos StavrakidisCaptain Panos, 55 years old, has always been attracted to the sea, which he considers his second home, and he has explored every part of Greek waters throughout the years. He knows all about Greece's hidden gems because of his sailing experience! His unrivaled experience, along with his gentle personality and amazing sense of humor, make him well-liked and admired by those who have the pleasure of sailing with him. Captain Panos is very proactive and always looks for solutions in any manner that he can. He is very kind and very positive as a person and makes the guests feel at home. His personal objective is to make unforgettable moments with his visitors and thus he is willing to accommodate any request, always weather permitting. In his spare time he likes to travel to countries he has never been to before.
Cook/Stewardess: Alexandra Selima
Alexandra was born in 1979 and raised in Athens. She had two primary passions while she was in school: cooking and sailing. She had two main passions while she was in school: cooking and sailing. She has an offshore sailing license and every year she participates in off shore sailing yacht races. She also holds a professional diploma in culinary arts from Le Monde Institute, where she graduated with distinction. She had previously worked in restaurants, but in 2010 she made the decision to combine her skills by working on yachts. She has taken part in several workshops on cooking. Her cooking is just amazing! Her cuisine is really wonderful! She has also finished the RYA courses in Maritime Radio Operation, Sea Survival, and First Aid. She is an outgoing, cheerful person who enjoys providing care for others. She enjoys traveling, reading, and playing tennis.