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You’re in luck – popular sailing catamaran charter VIKING DREAM would love to take you sailing in the beautiful British Virgin Islands.

Crew Profiles: Sailing Catamaran Charter Viking Dream
When Mark and Sally first considered the life of the sailing couple, they were on a year’s leave from their corporate jobs in the UK, trying to find some balance in their until-then hectic lives. Sally had been Training and HR Manager with a major British retail group, sorting out employees’ problems, whilst Mark had been on the other side of retail, setting up high-end malls in airports.
He had 250 staff and 25 managers reporting to him and, when he wasn’t traveling for business, he was dealing with the inevitable headaches of management.
Throughout their many years together, sailing, travel, and outdoor pursuits have been the hub of their relationship. So in 2001, they embarked on an invigorating world tour for 12 months. They traveled extensively through America, Canada, Alaska, Peru, Australia & New Zealand, returning to Asia and Europe.
Their yachting experience includes cruising in Croatia, Greece, Turkey, the Caribbean, the Whitsundays, Malaysia, and Thailand. Not to mention UK waters and a Trans-Atlantic Crossing! On returning from traveling, they decided to turn a leisure activity they love into a lifestyle.